
Writing Intelligence Video Session

By Dr. Rajeev Tamhankar

Pre-writing skills are essential building blocks that lay the foundation for writing. They systematically prepare children for writing through a series of guided steps. Each step becomes increasingly focused, tailored to the child’s pace and engagement. The objective is to enhance fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and understanding of shapes and patterns. Activities such as tracing, drawing lines, and practicing grip help in developing these skills. By progressing through these steps, children gain the confidence and ability to write. This structured approach ensures that the child is fully prepared for the complexities of writing, making the process enjoyable and effective.

Step 1: Start with free scribbling on any plain paper, such as A4. This helps the child get accustomed to holding a writing tool and making marks.

Step 2: Scribble within a large box. This activity introduces boundaries and encourages the child to control their scribbling within a defined space.

Step 3: Scribble inside a narrow rectangle. This step further refines the child’s motor control by narrowing the scribbling area, enhancing precision and coordination.

Step 4: Draw a line as straight as possible. This focuses on developing the child’s ability to create controlled, straight lines, which is a foundational skill for writing letters and numbers.

Use bright colors, praise efforts, maintain short sessions, encourage relaxed grip, and make activities fun.

Our programs and activities are developed by a diverse global team of early childhood educators, paediatricians, engineers, and experts.

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